Elizabeth Wilde McCormick
I am still writing but now retired from professional life having worked as a psychotherapist for over forty years in both the NHS and private practice. My professional background is in transpersonal, humanistic and cognitive analytic therapy. I have a master’s degree in humanistic psychology from Regents College and a diploma in clinical psychotherapy and social psychiatry from Guy’s Hospital.
When I was a Samaritan volunteer in the 1970s I was inspired when one of our trainers said ‘what we are doing here is sharing peoples pain.’ This experience was a precursor to my later experience of mindfulness as my own spiritual practice and the integration of mindfulness into psychology and psychotherapy. We are all so much more than the sum of the parts! My interest has always been in what helps people move beyond basic survival and find their own meaning and path in life.
I am available for talks and discussion on subjects related to mindfulness. I have spoken at Confer on subjects such as Spiritual narratives; The relational heart; self-care in therapists; and depression ‘From melancholy to dark abyss.’
By Elizabeth mccormick
Change for the Better
Self help book based on cognitive analytic therapy
This bestselling book has helped thousands of people find ways of dealing with everyday emotional difficulties, and also supported practitioners and trainee psychotherapists in their work with patients. This fifth edition features up-to- date thinking and practice from Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapy and includes new content on:
* Trauma and Complex Trauma
* Mindfulness
* Relational mapping
* Group Work.
This is that rare thing – a wise, compassionate and above all practical book grounded in years of good psychotherapy practice. Imbued with the understanding that we are selves in relation to others, it is straightforward without being simplistic. It delivers what it promises.
Glenys Parry, Emeritus Professor, University of Sheffield.
‘The best possible compendium on Cognitive Analytic Therapy, presented clearly and thoughtfully in this latest edition.’
Susie Orbach
This book should be recommended to anyone wishing. to understand and work through their suffering and to gain greater clarity and emotional resilience.